

MCP Holdings Limited は、ワイズグローバルビジョン株式会社(本社︓沖縄県うるま市)に対し2021年8⽉27⽇付で株式出資を⾏いました。(PDF)



MCPジャパン・ホールディングス株式会社は、アミタホールディングス株式会社(本社︓京都府京都市, 東証JASDAQ 市場証券コード︓2195)の株式を8 ⽉18 ⽇付で取得いたしました。 (PDF)

MCP Asset Management (Japan), Inc. was appointed as general partner of SME M&A Fund.

MCP Asset Management (Japan), Inc. was appointed as general partner of SME M&A Fund, a fund of funds initiated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Download the Press Release (PDF)

MCP Asset Management (Japan), Inc. merged with MCP, Inc. for business consolidation.

MCP Asset Management (Japan), Inc. (Representative Director: Shigeru Tamaki) and MCP, Inc. (Representative Director: Tetsuya Tanaka) have merged on 1 October 2020 to integrate their respective knowhow, experience and human resources etc. to provide high-quality asset management services to clients.

Company Name: MCP Asset Management (Japan), Inc.
Representative Directors: Tetsuya Tanaka
Yoshiro Konishi
Office: 18/F, KDDI Otemachi Building
1-8-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004,
Phone Number: +81 (0)3 3517 8800
Fax Number: +81 (0)3 3517 8825
Email Domain: @mcp-am.com
Website: https://www.mcp-am.jp
MCP Group Website: https://www.mcp-am.com